Promoting Your Book by Blogging

I was supposed to lead a discussion at the North Louisiana Chapter of Sisters In Crime: Grave Expectations but a week of dealing with sciatica and a few sleepless nights made traveling a bit unappealing.

So, I decided to use my handout that I put together for my blog. I found a great blog post by Steff Green that laid out what I wanted to discuss with the group in a very organized manner.

Excerpts from “Using Author Blogs to Promote Your Bookswritten by Steff Green

Write for your Readers

Your readers don’t read your blog to find out how you market your book; they read it because they want to know more about the author and the world of their books. I actually have three blogs. This one, Creative Daze with Geri where I blog about my creative adventures, and 365 Days of Santa where I blog about my Santa crafting and collecting.

  • Write a list of your favorite books in your genre. (I also recommend writing reviews or posting reviews that you’ve written for or Goodreads.)
  • Share some book excerpts.
  • Create a playlist of songs that inspired the book.
  • Create a book FAQ.
  • Articles about historical details in your books (if applicable). For example, the history of the type of sword used by the hero, or 10 little-known facts about the city your book is set in.

Make your blog awesome

  • Geri VampireMain pages load properly and have no errors.
  • Add and update book links, and included your book in the sidebar.
  • Obvious button encouraging mailing list signups.
  • Forms on contact page and newsletter signup page work.
  • About Me page is up-to-date.
  • Posts are free of spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Images on posts are clear and interesting. (Is THIS one interesting enough?)
  • Got any popular posts on topics relating to your book? Why not republish them with new dates so they are some of the first posts a new reader sees?

Plan your strategy

What you’re going to do on your own blog and what you’re going to do on other websites and platforms to draw attention to your blog.

  • Excerpts from your book.
  • Clippings from reviews.
  • Inspiration for the book.
  • Interviews with your characters.
  • Bonus material such as free downloadable short stories.
  • 10 interesting facts about one of your characters.
  • A discussion about one of the central themes of your book.

GeneratE Readers

  • Post cool images inspired by your book’s setting on Facebook or Pinterest.
  • Run competitions on social media or other sites, like Goodreads or Librarything.
  • Run a blog tour.
  • Tweet quotes from the book (works well if your book is humorous).
  • Write guest posts on popular blogs.
  • Host guest bloggers
  • Interview other authors in your genre
  • Write articles for magazines on topics related to your book.

Funnel readers into an Advance Reading Copy (ARC Readers) list

Using Mailchimp, set up an auto-responder on your primary mailing list.

After 3 days, all new signups are invited to join a second list – the ARC list.

Anyone on this list will receive a free Advance Reading Copy of your next book as soon as it’s ready, at least a month before it is due to come out. They can offer feedback and suggestions, and post early reviews on their preferred vendors. This a great tool for early reviews.

A gentle reminder to everyone on your ARC list the day before your launch will often result in several new reviews being posted – a clever way to shine a spotlight on your new release.

Create an FAQ for your book

  • Why pre-order the book?
  • When will I receive my pre-order book?
  • Is the book available in paperback?
  • Will the book be available on <insert vendor here>?
  • Why is this book under a pen name?
  • When will the second book in the series be released?
  • I love this book! What can I do to help spread the word?

Share book excerpts

Choose your excerpts wisely. Don’t give away major plot points or surprises, and remember that your readers haven’t had a chance to develop a connection to your characters, so you can’t ask them to care deeply about them in an excerpt.

Choose 3 excerpts from the first act of the novel. One from the opening chapters sets up the story and the main character. The second introduces the antagonist, and the third showcases awesome action or shows off something cool about the world of the novel.

Create a BOOK related list

  • My 10 favorite books in <insert genre here>
  • 10 of my favorite romance heroines
  • 20 of the coolest future technologies in science fiction novels
  • 10 of my favorite murder mystery cases

Organize a book tour

Gone are the days when authors packed boxes of books into the trunk of a car and set off to sign their way across the country, fueled only by whisky, bad truck-stop food and a desire to reach as many readers as possible.

Today, a book tour can be done on a fraction of the budget.

A virtual book tour is a great way to increase exposure for your book during its launch, as well as gain more traffic to your blog and, ultimately, your book page.

You can set up a blog tour yourself, or use one of the many companies that offer such services like Enchanted Blog Tours. .

REACH OuT to Niche Bloggers

Niche bloggers are sites that cater to a specific aspect of your audience. For example, if you’ve written a romance set in a specific city, you might find lifestyle bloggers from that city who would love to write about your book. If travel features heavily in your book, contact travel bloggers. If it’s domestic abuse or disability, contact bloggers who deal with those topics.

Introduce yourself and your book and ask if they’d be interested in a copy for review. Mention that you’d be happy to be considered for an interview or to submit an article. You will soon find yourself active in these niche communities, where word of your book will quickly spread.

(I have had more bloggers that I have asked agree to feature me and my book on their blog than those who I never heard back from or said no.)

Make your BOOK Prominent across your Blog

People coming to your website aren’t just reading your most recent post. Many come from search engines to look at old posts, or might be linked to an old article from a friend.

If you want to get your book in front of their eyes, you will need to do add your book cover as a big clickable button in your blog sidebar. It s the most prominent sidebar image.

  • Add book covers to the footer at the bottom or side bar of your page.
  • Add links to your books and mailing list at the bottom of your posts.
  • Create individual pages for each of your books with links to your book-related content (excerpts, FAQs, etc).
  • Ensured your book pages are featured prominently in my navigation bar.



Jennifer Blake, “Icon of Romance”, “Grande Dame of Romance, and a True “Southern Belle”



Amazon Only

I have very fortunate to have the met Jennifer Blake and I have gotten to know her better through a critique group that meets in Ruston, Louisiana. I was delighted when “Pat” agreed to be featured on my blog.

Blake-Author-Florida-ReverseJennifer Blake has been called a “pioneer of the romance genre”, an “icon of the romance industry,” and a “grande dame of romance.” A New York Times and international best-selling author since 1977, she is a charter member of Romance Writers of America, of which I a member. She is a member of the RWA and Affaire de Coeur Halls of Fame, and recipient of the RWA Lifetime Achievement Rita. She holds numerous other honors, including the “Maggie”; the Holt Medallion; multiple Reviewers
Choice awards; the Career Achievement Award from RT Book Reviews Magazine, and the Frank Waters Award for literary excellence. She has published 70 books with translations in 20 languages and more than 35 million copies sold worldwide.

Today we are talking about her works in The Italian Billionaire series, “The Tuscan’s Revenge Wedding,” “The Venetian’s Daring Seduction,” and “The Amalfitano’s Bold Abduction.”

Italian Billionaires Trio

Contemporary romance

Love, Italian style…three young women are seduced by passion, adventure and handsome Latin males in romantic Italy. Now that’s amore….

Readers and lovers of contemporary romance who enjoy stories with exotic settings and Latin Lovers.

Jennifer, please tell us about your work.

When I began these three stand-alone stories, I’d just finished two different complicated historical series for Mira Books that were 100,000 words each. I’d also left traditional publishing after many years of being restricted in what I could write, and started an online publishing venture, Steel Magnolia Press, with my niece Cyndi Drolet. We had put 37 of my older titles online with new covers, and I was ready to write something to be published as an original e-book. A series of contemporary romances of about 50,000 per book looked like a fun project.

But added to that, I’d been to Italy several times and loved it – and I’d had a few brief encounters with Italian men. Nothing racy or momentous as I was very much married! But on one occasion, a waiter I’d summoned hurried to my table and leaned to whisper, “I always come when you call, Madame!” Then there was the night outside Rome when the large group I was with was served their pasta course on ordinary white plates—but mine was presented with a warm smile and great ceremony on a golden one. Another time, in the Cinque Terre region, I walked into a small wine shop wearing a blue and white print skirt, blue sandals, lace-edged white tank and white over shirt embroidered in blue. An older Italian gentleman, elegantly dressed as only Italian men can be, looked me up and down with a tender smile and indicated my outfit with his fingertips closed together in that continental gesture of something exquisite. “Very nizzze,” he said. I smiled and said “Grazie” to all these overtures. How could I not? Suffice it to say the Italian Billionaire series is my love letter to Italy, and salute to the appreciation for women that makes Italian men special.

Obviously, this isn’t your first book. How many books have you written so far?    

I’ve published 70 books if I count the novella collections.



THE TUSCAN’S REVENGE WEDDING, Steel Magnolia Press, 2013

ROYAL SEDUCTION, Steel Magnolia Press, 2012

SEDUCED BY GRACE, Mira Books, October 2011

BY GRACE POSSESSED, Mira Books, September2011

BY HIS MAJESTY’S GRACE, Mira Books, August 2011

TRIUMPH IN ARMS, Mira Books, 2010

GALLANT MATCH, Mira Books, 2009

GUARDED HEART, Mira Books, 2008

ROGUE’S SALUTE, Mira Books, 2007

DAWN ENCOUNTER, Mira Books, 2006

CHALLENGE TO HONOR, Mira Books, 2005

WADE, Mira Books, 2002

CLAY, Mira Books, 2001

ROAN, Mira Books, 2000

LUKE, Mira Books, 1999

KANE, Mira Books, 1998

GARDEN OF SCANDAL, Mira Books, 1997

TIGRESS, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1996

SILVER-TONGUED DEVIL, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1996

SHAMELESS, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1994

ARROW TO THE HEART, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1993

WILDEST DREAMS, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1992

JOY AND ANGER, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1991

SPANISH SERENADE, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1990

LOVE ANLove and Smoke Audible CoverD SMOKE, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1989

PERFUME OF PARADISE, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1988

SOUTHERN RAPTURE, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1987

LOUISIANA DAWN, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1987

PRISONER OF DESIRE, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1986

ROYAL PASSION, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1986

FIERCE EDEN, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1985

MIDNIGHT WALTZ, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1985

SURRENDER IN MOONLIGHT, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1984

ROYAL SEDUCTION, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1983

EMBRACE AND CONQUER, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1981

APRIL OF ENCHANTMENT, Signet Books, 1981

GOLDEN FANCY, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1980

CAPTIVE KISSES, Signet Books, 1980

LOVE AT SEA, Signet Books, 1980

THE STORM AND THE SPLENDOR, Fawcett/Ballantine, 1979

TENDER BETRAYAL, Popular Library & Fawcett/Ballantine, 1979

SNOWBOUND HEART, Signet Books, 1979

BAYOU BRIDE, Signet Books, 1979

THE ABDUCTED HEART, Signet Books, 1978

NIGHT OF THE CANDLES, Fawcett Books, 1978

SWEET PIRACY, Fawcett Books, 1978

LOVE’S WILD DESIRE, Popular Library & Fawcett/Ballantine, 1977

MURDER FOR CHARITY, Manor Books, 1977

HAVEN OF FEAR, Manor Books, 1977

NOTORIOUS ANGEL, Fawcett Books, 1977

BRIDE OF A STRANGER, Fawcett Books, 1974

DARK MASQUERADE, Fawcett Books, 1974

COURT OF THE THORN TREE, Popular Library, 1973

THE BEWITCHING GRACE, Popular Library, 1973

STORM AT MIDNIGHT, Ace Books, 1973

STRANGER AT PLANTATION INN, Fawcett Gold Medal, 1971

SECRET OF MIRROR HOUSE, Fawcett Gold Medal, 1970


QUEEN FOR A NIGHT, Steel Magnolia Press, 2014

WITH LOVE, Berkley, 2003 (Reissue of “Pieces of Dreams” from the QUILTING CIRCLE collection)

WITH A SOUTHERN TOUCH, Mira Books, 2002 (Contains ADAM, one of the Louisiana Gentlemen)


UNMASKED, Mira Books, 1997

A JOYOUS SEASON, Kensington, 1996

QUILTING CIRCLE, Berkley, 1996


HONEYMOON SUITE, St. Martin’s Press, 1995

STARDUST, Avon, 1994

SECRETS OF THE HEART, Penguin Topaz, 1994

A DREAM COME TRUE, Penguin Topaz, 1994

What does your writing process look like?

It’s a basically an organized progression of words on paper. I begin by brainstorming the story, turn these random notes into a chapter-by-chapter outline, create simple character sketches and then start at the beginning and go on to the end. I don’t write scenes or chapters out of order because the emotional and sexual tension in romance needs the steady escalation provided by a linear structure.Desk

Where do you write?

I normally alternate between the desktop PC in my office and a recliner in the living room with my laptop, but occasionally work outside in warm weather.

Inspiration Wall

Are you a plotter or a pantster?

I’ve always been a plotter. My first published books were Gothic mystery-suspense stories that required several suspects as possible villains, along with clues, red herrings and actions and motivations to lend credence to their possible guilt. It’s easier to write this type story if you plan the details in advance. After turning to historical romance, I had back-to-back contracts for decades. This kind of output is faster, and turns out better, if you’re sure of where you’re going with the stories.

There’s nothing formulaic about plotting, however, and nothing innately more creative about writing by the seat of your pants. In fact, all fiction uses both methods. Plotters and pantsters are like two people heading into unknown territory toward the same destination. One has a road map with a few five pitfalls marked, the other has vague idea of the general route and the knowledge that pitfalls exist. Yet both still have to plunge into the wilderness.

Is there a certain type of scene that’s harder for you to write than others? Love? Action? Racy?

Not really. Every scene should have a definite reason (or two or three) for being in the book. If you know what you’re trying to accomplish and how you intend to get there, all scenes are about the same. On the other hand, I do grumble and gripe about the love scenes after having done several hundred with various degrees of heat. Once I figure out what makes the current couple unique in their approach to intimacy, however, they’re no harder than anything else.

Is there one subject you would never write about as an author? What is it?

The death of a child as a major plot point.

How did you come up with the title of your book or series?

After deciding to do a series similar to the Harlequin Presents novels, it seemed natural to choose titles common to that particular romance subset. It was also an experiment of sorts. I was curious to see if the titles made a difference. As far as I can tell, they’ve made very little to none.

What book do you wish you could have written?

Kathryn Falk at Romantic Times once said she thought I should have be tapped to write the sequel to Gone with the Wind. I thought at the time it would be a thankless task, that nothing could ever live up to the original. In hindsight, I believe it would have been a fascinating challenge.

How important are names to you in your books? Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning? Do you have any name choosing resources you recommend?

Names need to suit the personalities of the characters as I see them in my mind; I often close my eyes and repeat a name to see if it fits. That they are appropriate to the tie period and place is also important – a Tiffany in 1850s Louisiana would be ridiculous, for instance. In general, I don’t care for unusual or weirdly spelled names as that seems an amateur’s effort to be different. I do like hero names that start with an “R,” and was even a bit superstitious about that for a while after several with that naming method became best sellers—I was afraid NOT to give them an “R” name. And after using several of those, I came across a magazine article that said many people favor “R” names, feeling they extra strong and masculine.

As for sources, I have a couple of books with the nationalities, historical origins and meanings of both given names and surnames, also a couple that are meant for choosing baby names. But I mostly combed the indexes of Louisiana history books for authentic character names for my books set in early Louisiana. When I started my six-book Masters at Arms series about the sword masters of old New Orleans, however, I visited St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 near the French Quarter to jot down names to mix and match for future characters.

What do you consider to be your best accomplishment?

The fact that I’ve survived as an author, that I’m still writing and being read after so many years in this game!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Retired and puttering with writing as a hobby. If my muse will back off and let me.

Have you always enjoyed writing?

Writing has always come fairly easy—book reports and essays in school were never a problem. Nor were stories a problem; I often put myself to sleep as a child and young teen by making them up in my head. But I loved to read far more than I liked to write—that was until I started writing as a hobby at about 19 or 20.

What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors?

The same classic advice heard a thousand times before: Never give up on your dream. Never, ever give up.

Do you read your reviews? Do you respond to them, good or bad? Do you have any advice on how to deal with the bad?

I don’t usually respond, whether good or bad, since this is supposed to be unprofessional. I really prefer not to read the reviews, particularly those posted online; people can be so stupidly cruel when protected by anonymity. However, reading them can’t be helped at times, as quotes from good reviews must be collected for promotional purposes. I bask in the good one but skim over the bad as fast as possible. The best way to deal with the last is to refuse to let them matter. And then go write something so great it will prove these bad reviewers were clueless idiots.

What (when not writing) do you do to support yourself?

My writing income has been more than sufficient since the late 1970s.

Do you have any other talents or hobbies?

I’m not sure I have talent, but I enjoy painting with watercolors now and then, also knitting, crocheting, beading, quilting, antique hunting, gardening and travel. Not necessarily in that order!

What is your least favorite part of the publishing / writing process?

Editing. Unfortunately, I can think of a dozen different ways to say practically anything. Though I’m a thorough editor, it’s always an agonizing process of thousands of minute decisions. Beyond that, the dialogue, emotions, character actions/reactions, narrative flow and scene transitions are interwoven so completely as I write that making a single change can mean rearranging or deleting things in several places. Not fun! I’d rather write two new books than edit one.

What can readers who enjoy your books do to help make them successful?

Recommend the series to their friends, discuss it at book clubs. Post about it on Facebook or Twitter. And of course, follow me on those sites as well as on Pinterest.

What is your best marketing tip?

The #1 way that readers discover an author is through the recommendation of friends. The best way to influence this give and take is to produce good, solid stories. You can make yourself accessible thought social media and other avenues, if you like, but the best use of your time is always to write another good book, and another, and another…

What are you working on now?

I’m seeing a nonfiction book titled “Around the World in 100 Days” through the publication process. This is a day-by-day chronicle of a fantastic world cruise I took with my grandson lastyear, but gives tips and insights into this form of long term travel. It should be independently published in March or April, 2015.

What is your next project?

I’m working on a continuation of my Louisiana Gentlemen series that was set in contemporary Louisiana and published in the 1990s: These stories were “Kane,” “Luke,” “Roan,” “Clay” and “Wade.”. Books one and two of the new group, titled “Beau” and “Jake,” should be out later this year.

What can we expect from you in the future?

I have a good half dozen story ideas spinning around in my brain, some contemporary, some historical, and at least one futuristic. What will come out on top, no one knows, least of all yours truly. The wonderful thing about being independently published these days is that it doesn’t matter. My next project can be whatever excites me when it’s time to start it.

And now for some FUN…

What do you wear while writing?

Jeans, T-shirt and sandals are my summer uniform, with the same in winter except for a long-sleeved over shirt of some kind along with Easy Spirit Traveltime clogs and socks. Boring, but comfy.

Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color?

I’ve been golden blond and had highlights, but don’t really like the texture change caused by bleaches and dyes, even the temporary ones.

What is your biggest fear?

That my Bucket List may turn out to be longer than my life. But I’m working on it!

If you had a supernatural power, what would it be?

Astral projection, the ability to go wherever I choose at the speed of light while using nothing but brain power.

Do you make up your bed every morning? What is on your bed right now? (pillows/quilt/crocheted bedspread?) Is it romantic or functional? Provide images if you want.

I do make my bed, though more because I hate crawling into a rumpled, unmade one at night than from any OCD neatness. My latest edition of this important piece of furniture is an adjustable mattress with remote control I love it for reading and watching TV in bed.

Where is one place yth (58)ou want to visit that you haven’t been before? Provide images if you want.

Egypt. The Pyramids of Giza are at the top of my Bucket List since I’ve marked off much else. I was supposed to see this monument on the world cruise, but State Department travel advisories prevented it.

Please describe something (significant number of words/a character/entire scene) you “deleted” from your work and why. Because a real writer knows when to hit THE DELTE KEY!

I enjoy description and like painting scenes with words for my books. I also love Italy, the landscape, culture, and general ambience, so sometimes went a bit overboard with description in the Italian Billionaires series. Some of this sort of thing was deleted during the editing process, particularly where I felt it slowed down or interfered with the main story action.

I hope this questionnaire has helped you to come up with some clever answers, but is there anything else you’d like to add?

One of the best things about my venture into independent publishing has been the ability to expand into other venues with the titles to which I own reverted rights. Audio books are a great example. Around 40 of these backlist titles are now available on Amazon from


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